| +39 011.2301000

Communities used to tag inbound routes

General Purpose  
12779:65000 Customer route
12779:65097 Peer route
12779:65098 Upstream route
12779:65099 Internal route
12779:12779 Internal route (OLD)
12779:666 DDOS Mitigation


12779:10102 IT - MIL
12779:10106 IT - ROM
12779:10111 IT - TRN
12779:10201 DE - FRA
12779:10301 NL - AMS
12779:10401 FR - PAR
12779:10402 FR - MRS
12779:10501 UK - LON
12779:10601 ES - MAD


 12779:20102 IT - MIL - MIX-IT
 12779:20103 IT - MIL - MINAP
12779:20106 IT - ROM - NAMEX
12779:20111 IT - TRN - TOP-IX
12779:20201 DE - FRA - DE-CIX
12779:20202 DE - FRA - EQUINIX
12779:20301 NL - AMS - AMS-IX
12779:20302 NL - AMS - EQUINIX
12779:20401 FR - PAR - FRANCE-IX
12779:20402 FR - MRS - FRANCE-IX
12779:20403 FR - LYS - LYONIX
12779:20404 FR - MRS - DE-CIX
12779:20501 UK - LON - LINX
12779:29000 PNI


 Communities used to command action

Prepend and DO NOT announce:
12779:6000x When advertising to all upstream
12779:6001x When advertising to NTT
12779:6002x When advertising to GTT
12779:6003x When advertising to COGENT 
12779:6100x When advertising to all internet exchange
12779:6101x When advertising to TOP-IX 
12779:6102x When advertising to MIX-IT
12779:6103x When advertising to MINAP
12779:6104x When advertising to NAMEX
12779:6105x When advertising to DE-CIX FRA
12779:6106x When advertising to EQUINIX FRA
12779:6107x When advertising to AMS-IX AMS
12779:6108x When advertising to EQUINIX AMS
12779:6109x When advertising to FRANCE-IX PAR
12779:6110x When advertising to LYONIX
12779:6111x When advertising to DE-CIX MRS
12779:6112x When advertising to LINX LON 
65535:65284 do not announce to ANY peers (NOPEER RFC3765)


  • x=0 - do not announce
  • x=1,2,3 - prepend 1,2,3 times
  • x=9 - announce override x=0
Set local pref:
12779:62101 Local pref below normal customer route (310)
12779:62102 Local pref below normal peer route (75)


65535:666 RTBH (RFC7999)


65535:0 BGP Graceful Shutdown GSHUT (RFC8326)



  • We support Graceful Shutdown BGP community 65535:0 (also known as "g-shut"). More information about Graceful Shutdown is available here: draft-ietf-grow-bgp-gshut.
  • We're using local set/modified MED (IGP cost/latency/capacity) with bgp deterministic-med as routing decision strategy.


Local Pref Standard Value  
100 Transit
120 Manual favored Transit
300 Peer
305 Manual favored Peer / PNI
350 Customer normal